Veterans Memorial Committee

Purchase A Paver In Memory Of A Loved One
If you wish to purchase a paver to be installed at the Bordentown Veterans’ Memorial, click on the link below to open up the brochure to print and mail with your check or money order.

Minutes of the Meetings will be made available on the website at the link provided: BCVMC Minutes.

Marguerite Hellwich, Chairperson

Stephanie Corbo-Pecht

Bruce Throckmorton

Joseph C. Platt

Vincent Bernotas

Ed Foley, IV

Scott Greenwood

Christine Greenwood

Jim Heupel

The Bordentown City Veterans Memorial is a monument constructed, started in 1997, to memorialize those Veterans from Bordentown City who have fought from the Revolutionary War to present day. The Bordentown City Veterans Memorial was dedicated on May 28, 2011. The Bordentown City Veterans Memorial took many years of planning, and many man hours to visualize, create, and dedicate. There were a great many people who had a part in making this glorious monument become a reality, and a huge thanks goes out to John Wehrman (Commissioner ret.), Bruce Throckmorton, John W. "Bill" Collom (Mayor, ret.), and James E. Lynch, Jr. (alumni of Bordentown Military Institute and member of the governing body since 1989) and countless others! The generosity of local businesses and Union Locals that contributed time, money, materials and skilled craftmanship was overwhelming and deeply appreciated. Congratulations to all for making this project a success!