Water Advisory Board

When available, the Agenda for the meetings will be posted here.

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It is the fundamental purpose and mission of the City of Bordentown Water Advisory Board to work closely with the City Commissioners and residents of the service area of the City of Bordentown Water Utility. It is also the Board’s responsibility to review and advise the City Commissioners on issues relating to public awareness, quality of water and quality of service. It shall also be the responsibility of the Board to gain an understanding of the operations of the Water Utility.

The Bordentown City Water Advisory Board is a municipal advisory board subordinate to the City Board of Commissioners and shall have the power to offer advice and support to the City Board of Commissioners in all matters and projects pertaining to water quality and water service within the City of Bordentown Water Utility service area.

Joe Myers, Chair, Deputy Mayor

Term Expires: May 13, 2025

Grace I. Archer

Term Expires: December 31, 2025

John J. Walls

Term Expires: December 31, 2025

Ellen Gulbinsky, Twp. Resident

Term Expires: December 31, 2025

Mike James, City Resident

Term Expires: December 31, 2025

Michael Theokas, Twp. Administrator

Term Expires: December 31, 2025

William Hartz, Twp. Resident

Term Expires: December 31, 2025

Robert Farina, City Resident

Term Expires: December 31, 2025