Economic Development Advisory Committee

Economic Development meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM at Old City Hall, 13 Crosswicks Street, Bordentown, NJ.
The 2024 meeting dates are February 27th, April 23rd, June 25th, August 27th, October 22nd and December is to be determined.

Agenda To Be Posted
Meeting ID: 511 529 5782
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+13017158592,,5115295782#US (Washington DC)
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Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 511 529 5782
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On occasion, meetings may be held via ZOOM and residents are encouraged to check this page to confirm the location of the meeting and/or whether the meeting will be virtual.

Class I

Jennifer Sciortino, Mayor

Term Expiration: May 2025

Class II

Edward Foley IV

Term Expiration: Concurrent w/Planning Board

Class III

Vincent Schino

Term Expiration: May 2024

Class IV

Sarah O'Brien

Term Expiration: May 2023

Class V

William O'Donnell

Term Expiration: May 2025

Class VI

Kim Ehrlich

Term Expiration: May 2025

Class VII

Hillary Chebra

Term Expiration: May 2024

Class VII

Abigail Campbell

Term Expiration: May 2023

Alternate 1 Yr. Term

Jill Skipper

Term Expiration: May 2023