Municipal Court

Fieldsboro Municipal Court 0314
Bordentown City Municipal Court 0303
204 Washington Street, Fieldsboro NJ 08505

Hon. Peter Lange, Jr. J.M.C. Judge
Sarah Capritti, CMCA, Court Administrator
Email Sarah Hoffman

Erin Hansell, Acting Deputy Court Administrator
Email Erin Hansell

Phone: (609) 298-1616
Fax: 609-298-1218

Municipal Court Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00am to 12:00pm

All Municipal Court Sessions Are Held Virtually By Zoom. There Are No In-person Court Sessions. Trial matters are held virtually by ZOOM, unless the Municipal Court Judge and/or Prosecutor deems that the trial must be held in person.

Notices are sent by mail for all court appearance required matters, the Zoom information is on the sticker on the front of your notice. If we have an email address, the Zoom information is emailed. To enter a “Not Guilty” plea and register for virtual court, please email both the Court Administrator and Deputy Court Administrator (emails are listed below).

Payments can be made online, by mail or placed in the drop-box located at the Fieldsboro Municipal Building, 204 Washington Street, Fieldsboro, NJ 08505. If sending a payment or placing in drop-box, check or money order only, NO CASH. To pay by credit card you will need to pay online, our office does not accept credit cards.

To make a payment online, click here

Municipal Court Sessions are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at 3:30pm (with the exception of Holidays)

If the court code on your ticket is 0304, then you need to contact the Bordentown Township Municipal Court at 609-298-2802. Bordentown Township is a separate court from Bordentown City 0303.

Effective September 1, 2018 the City of Bordentown and the Borough of Fieldsboro entered into a Shared Services Agreement for Services of a Municipal Court. All Municipal Court matters will be handled and heard in the Borough of Fieldsboro Court Office.